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Family & Friends
- Write a thank-you note, especially to someone who’s not expecting thanks
- Send someone a gift anonymously
- Organize a family reunion
- Don’t let your friends be alone on the holidays
- Reconnect with an old friend
- Say a prayer or whisper a kind wish for someone
- Call a mentor to say thank you
- Encourage someone to pursue their dream
- Offer sincere, kind words to someone who’s hurting
- Help someone with a chore, unexpectedly
- Pick up groceries for an elderly neighbour
- Write an inspirational note to someone who needs inspiration
- Anonymously give money to a person you know who is having financial difficulty
- Give a friend your favourite inspirational book with a personal note
- Give genuine compliment
- Transport someone who needs a ride
- Help someone move
- Visit someone in hospital
- Cook a meal for someone
- Call your parents or grandparents